Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Photo Wall

I got this idea from a picture I saw on Google while searching for wedding ideas and inspirations. The wall has cut outs behind picture frames for folks to pose in; there are also other framed imaged that are all steampunk-related. We got the lamp fixture at the Habitat for Humanity Homestore in PBO. Colie and Russell did most of the work; I got the pictures printed last minute through Staples... and our art installation was complete!
Due to the rain, folks didn't use the wall as much as I would have hoped. There are a few great shots with it, though. I am not disappointed; I know all the hard work that went into it wasn't wasted because we're taking the wall to Burning Man! It is going to be one of the art installations at The Tough Love Lounge. I can't wait to see it out on the playa!

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