Today I had another appointment with our fabulous midwives at the Birth and Wellness Center. It was quite a day for them; lots of birthing going on! The midwife I was supposed to see, LeAnne, was one of the ladies on call, so my appointment got moved around a bit and she was pretty tired by the time I got to her. Still a kind practitioner and a good appointment, even so.
At this point in the game, my appointments are mostly just to check in and make sure Orion and I are doing ok. His heartbeat is still 130-140 bpm, and he's still head down (though not quite engaged yet). A quick internal exam showed that I'm 2 centimeters dilated and 60% effaced, which means things are getting ready for Orion's arrival. This in no way means I'm in labor (or even that close to it), but it is a good sign.
I also found out today that I will have some minor interventions during labor and delivery in order to get ahead of the fibroids. A shot of pitocin as Orion is born and an IV will help keep me from losing too much blood. It doesn't sound that bad to me, and I'm glad they have an idea how to handle the possible side effects from the big bludgers hitchhiking on my uterus!
I also asked if she thought it was ok for us to go down to the beach tomorrow, and she was enthusiastically supportive of the idea. I'm very happy about that, because I really need a day by the water. Just that one day will do a lot to recharge my spirit and clear out some of the pent up energy from all the work exhaustion and what not. It may mean some uncomfortable time in the car, but I think it's well worth it. I'm really looking forward to smelling some salt air, getting my feet wet, seeing some friends, and maybe getting a good Flaming Amy's meal in besides! I've been asking Orion to just sit tight until next week, at least, to give me time to finish up work and get my beach day in. Hopefully he'll comply! He's welcome to arrive anytime after we get home on Sunday, as far as I'm concerned! We're ready for him!
Tomorrow is my last day at Trader Joe's before I go on maternity leave. As much as I love working there and think it's a great company, I also am very ready to be off my feet, get some rest, and finish up some miscellaneous things around here before the baby comes.
Wish us luck!
Orion just decided that he wanted to be outside and enjoy the beach with you! Sorry you missed your Saturday trip to the coast, but wasn't it wonderful to have Orion arrive that day instead?!?
Holy Mackerel Andy! Congrats to the Burners and the little burner, Orion!
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