Friday, April 8, 2011

Another Day, Another Decision!

Russell was accepted to Dominican University's "Green" MBA program! It's a Master's in Business Administration in Sustainability Application. That's a mouthful, but what is boils down to is this:
Russell can finish the degree in 2 or 3 years, depending on the course load he takes. The program assumes the students are also working full time, so the classes only meet Friday-Sunday every other week. Russell will be able to work part-time while working on a degree, which is excellent for us. The degree, coupled with his background in contracting and construction, will lead to excellent job opportunities in the green building and retrofitting industry; with some experience, Russell could work as a consultant and kick some eco-butt. Love it! He's very excited - and so are the folks at Dominican. They told him how interested they were in the stuff he wrote about in his application essay. He worked on that for weeks; I helped him edit it, and I think it was excellent by the time he sent it in! He spoke primarily about his intentions towards creating a more sustainable world. We're both excited to be living on the West Coast, where sustainable daily practices are more widely and easily practiced. Street-side composting? Sweet. I'm also aiming for a bike-friendly neighborhood. And ooh ooh baby the farmer's markets!
But I digress...
A few days later, I got a letter from HSU - and I knew it was a rejection letter the second I saw the envelope. I can't say it isn't disappointing, of course, but in a way I was relieved. We always intended to go to the North Bay area if Russell got into school, regardless of whether I did. I'm also really not sure I wanted to do the program. I feel like I can find a position working with someone who knows how to do the higher level construction methods for costuming - an apprenticeship, basically. There are so many groups that use costumes regularly where we're headed, for whatever reason - and people just dress more interestingly in general. Inspiration's coming my way, I do believe - I just need to get there. Something good is going to come of it.
The best part of that letter, however, was that they didn't actually reject me. They decided (late in the game) not to accept any new students this year - and therefore refunded me the application fee ($50, sweet!) and told me to apply again next year, plus send all my materials back as well. No harm, no foul.
And now we have a slightly more focused aim - North Bay area. Not San Francisco proper, though Russell could very well end up working in the city somewhere. Dominican is in San Rafael, so we'd want to live within about 30 minutes of there. And Oakland is a less expensive area, though you have to pick your neighborhood with some consideration. We're also looking north, where it's slightly more rural, for housing.
In a few weeks we're having a yard sale and selling just about everything we can. We're hanging on to a few pieces of furniture and a some of our personal stuff, electronics, etc... I'm excited to be lighten our psychic load a large amount. A small pile of the larger stuff is already gone; and I have another couple of large pieces to post for sale.
Three months... It's mid-April; the other night I was laying in bed, and I suddenly had the sensation of a rollercoaster click-click-clicking away up that slope, heading for that exhilarating fall into a whole new way of being. It's going to be a hell of a ride. We're so excited! It's good to see it start falling into place.
But then I look around, and I realize we've got three weeks to move out of this house, and I think, holy shit - why am I writing this blog? Time to pack a box...

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